Letter from the editor

Letter from the editor


Dear Trencherman’s reader

Post-lockdown we’re delighted to announce some new developments that will help Trencherman’s followers discover exquisite dining experiences in the south west of England.

Firstly, we’re developing a new app for the guide (you can register here if you’d like to be one of the first to get access to it when it’s launched) and we’ll also be updating the website with all of the content you’d usually find in the printed guide.

Like many publishers in our field, we are unable to produce a printed guide this year. This is the result of myriad reasons: ever-changing information about who is open and when; distribution issues; people not wanting to pick up guides from the restaurants; and because we need our communications to you to be flexible and immediate.

Instead, we’ll be putting all of our energies into communicating with you via digital means, such as a new weekly email newsletter (sign up here). This will include a host of exciting new features highlighting what you really shouldn’t miss and a new series of gourmet mini-break itineraries. We’ll also be sharing these features through social media – make sure you’re following Trencherman’s – find the links in the footer below.

We’ll be running the Trencherman’s Awards online this year and, when you sign up to get the newsletter, you’ll get exclusive access to vote in the awards and support your favourite restaurants.

We know that, like us, you believe in supporting the incredibly talented chefs and front-of-house teams who form the beating heart of the Trencherman’s Guide, so we encourage you to back them right now – when they really need it – by spreading the word about Trencherman’s. You can do that by forwarding email newsletters to friends, sharing social media posts and, of course, visiting the restaurants to delight in the exceptional and the exquisite.

With warmest regards



july, 2024