Drinks list: The Idle Grinch

This festive cocktail, created by The Idle Rocks‘ head bartender Gabriel Marono, uses matcha-infused rum to give it its distinctive Grinch-green colour

You will need

Bacardi Carta Blanca 50ml
Matcha tea powder 4 tbsp
Citric acid 5ml
Sugar syrup 20ml
Ginger ale to top up


1. To infuse the rum: mix the rum with the matcha powder and leave to infuse overnight.
2. Place the infused rum, citric acid and sugar syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake for ten seconds.
3. Pour into a tall glass and top with ginger ale.
4. Finish with a sprinkle of matcha powder.

The extra effort required to infuse the rum is worth it for the delicious result‘, says Gabriel

Enjoyed The Idle Rocks’ festive cocktail? Find more Trencherman’s member recipes here.


july, 2024


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