Ladies who lunch

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This crafty cocktail from Salcombe Gin is a transatlantic experience, combining the best of the classic lunchtime ice tea with seasonal British elderflower for a refreshing summer drink.

Serves 1

Salcombe Gin ‘Start Point’ 25ml
Elderflower liqueur 25ml
Lady Grey tea 75ml, brewed and cooled
Elderflower tonic water 125ml
Orange bitters a dash
Head of fresh elderflower to decorate

  1. Build the cocktail in a copa glass, adding the Salcombe Gin, elderflower liqueur and Lady Grey tea.
  2. Add ice, leaving enough room for the elderflower head.
  3. Top up with elderflower tonic and add a couple of dashes of orange bitters.
  4. Add the elderflower head to the top of the glass sitting on the ice.



july, 2024


Restaurant Hywel Jones, near Bath

Restaurant Hywel Jones

The thought of splashing £200 plus on dinner for two might make you wince, but every penny is well accounted for in the uber luxe Lucknam Park experience.

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