Nathan Outlaw’s Christmas

We caught up with seafood maestro and Trencherman’s chef Nathan Outlaw to get the inside scoop on Christmas Day in the Outlaw household, including the family’s card game of choice and who’s dozing off during Star Wars

Family first 

I’ll be at home with my wife, children and George, our dog. My son will be back from uni in London, so it will be lovely to have time to catch up. We tend to spend Christmas Day at home and go to other family members on the other days of the festive season.

What’s under the tree?

I have no idea! I’ve started painting seriously now – it’s a hobby I’ve been toying with since I was a child, so maybe some bits to do with that. Socks! They always make an appearance. And probably George, who will be beside himself trying to sniff out something to eat or chew to pieces.

Adventurous eats or traditional turkey?  

I’ve tried getting the family to have something different each year but there have been protests so we’ll probably end up having turkey with all the trimmings. I expect I’ll do most of the cooking with my wife and daughter helping. My son won’t be involved … apart from eating it!

Nathan’s tips for chilled-out cooking

There’s nothing worse than working in a muddle, and at Christmas, the kitchen tends to be more cluttered than usual because of all the extra food, so clear a space, get organised and make a plan of timings. Get everything you can – veg, stuffing, etc – done before the day. Oh, and don’t forget to remove the giblets before cooking the turkey!

Must-have side dishes 

Lovely crispy roasties. Pigs in blankets. Brussels with bacon. Roasted root veg. Sticky, sweet, braised red cabbage. Lashings of great gravy. It makes my mouth water just thinking of it!

Pudding potentials 

I love Christmas pudding but no-one else eats it. I have one my daughter made last year so I might have that. It will be lovely and rich. I’ll have it with custard or a good dollop of clotted cream … or both! The others will probably have pavlova of some sort.

Booze or brews

I like a nice glass of something bubbly and well chilled, or a cold beer. I’m not much of a drinker though so I’ll be happy with a decent coffee or a cuppa other than that.

Family favourites

We love board games and will probably spend the evening playing them. Our favourite at present is Uno. We have the version with a little machine that launches cards randomly. It’s hilarious!

What’s on the box?

No idea. We’ll probably find a decent film to watch.  Something for the family … or Star Wars – again. To be honest, we’ll probably take George for a long walk and then have a nap!

Plans for 2024?

On a personal front, I’d like to make more time for my painting. From a business point of view, it will be about building on what we’ve done this year at both the restaurants and Outlaw’s Guest House, to keep improving our offering for customers. I’ll also be formulating ideas for my next book …  

Enjoyed reading about Nathan Outlaw’s Christmas? Read about Alex Polizzi’s Christmas here.

Learn more about Outlaw’s New Road, Outlaw’s Fish Kitchen and other Trencherman’s restaurants in Cornwall.

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