Michael Caines’ Christmas

We sat down with chair of the Trencherman’s committee Michael Caines and talked butchery, brussels and Mum’s Christmas pud recipe

Where will you be for Christmas Day this year?

I’ll be at home until about 11am, then I’ll head into Lympstone Manor Hotel to cook lunch for our guests. After that, I’ll head home and cook for the family. It’s going to be a busy day …

What are you hoping to find under the tree?

After this year, I’ll be happy with anything! I love Christmas but I rarely think about what I want. I’ll be sending Santa a list and at the top will be: a holiday.

What’s on the table?

Traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

What’s your secret to prepping the turkey for the big day?

I like to get the butcher to take the legs and breast and roll them, off the bone. This reduces cooking times and allows you to cook both to perfection. Ask the butcher to chop the bones up too and use this as a trivet.

Brussels sprouts: yay or nay?

I’m a fan! Other essential sides include stuffing, bread sauce, pigs in blankets and loads of veg.

What’s for pudding?

Christmas pudding, of course. I always use my mother’s recipe, which we also serve at Lympstone Manor Hotel.

Christmas drink of choice?

This year, it has to be Lympstone Manor’s Classic Cuvée 2020. It’s the first release of our own English sparkling wine – and it’s delicious.

What games do you play on Christmas Day?

Not sure I can stay awake for this, but on Boxing Day we have the family around and we play a lot of games, including my favourite: Monopoly.

What’s on TV?

Nothing if we can help it, but in the evening it’s good to settle down to a film.

Plans for 2024?

I think I speak for many when I say that 2023 has been a tough year. Let’s hope 2024 brings peace, happiness, and lower interest rates and inflation falling back to normal!

Image of Michael: Guy Harrop

Enjoyed reading about Michael Caines’ Christmas? Read about Mark Hix’s Christmas here.

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